Basic Javascript - Evaluating User Input

A friend of mine is trying to learn javascript, and he was giving me a hard time this morning, trying to write some code and get the thing to recognize input interactively.

We were at work, and didn't have much time, and I'm not very patient (I've mentioned before I'm not a teacher), so I told him I'd give him a practical example.


Try It

And here it is.

It's really rather silly, but i think it explains alright.  The code is heavily commented, to make it more readable.

Question One (lotta comments)
 <!this is a comment - notice exclamation mark after "<">  
 <!comments will be ignored by the browser>  
 <!the purpose of comments is to serve as guidelines to make code more readable>  
 <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width">  
 <!the code above adjusts page width to device width - useful for porting page to mobile devices>  
 <title>World's Most Difficult Question Ever</title>  
 <!the title tag tells the browser what to display on the title bar & tab bar>  
 <!technical stuff is usually contained in the head section>  
 <!this is not mandatory - scripts can be included anywhere>  
 // this is a javascript comment - notice how we use // instead of <!>  
 // the <script> tag tells the browser to interpret the following lines  
 // as javascript instead of as html.  
 // a function is a way to easily summon a chain of commands or events  
 // multiple commands can be stored in a function  
 // which can then be called by, for example, clicking a button  
 function answer(answer) // this function is called answer  
 // the reason answer is followed by (answer) is because the code to  
 // be executed depends on user input  
 // (answer) can be (a),(b),(c), or (d)  
 if(answer=="b") // here, javascript will evaluate the answer, and  
    {     // will determine whether it is equal to "b"  
          // if true, the following code will be executed.  
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Hell yeah!</h1>";   
  // this code will read the document, and it will find the element   
  // with id label "result". It will then write <h1>Hell yeah!</h1>  
  // into that element.  
      document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#00CC00";   
  // this code will read the document, find the element with id  
  // label "result", and change the background color to green       
      document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";  
 // this code takes the element with id "result" and changes   
 // font color to white.       
      document.getElementById("continue").innerHTML = "<a href=''>Next Question</a>";   
 // this code takes element with id "continue" and puts a link  
 // to the next question in it. -- href='next.html' can be  
 // changed to point to another html document containing the   
 // next question.       
   else if (answer =="d")   
 // if the above (=="b") is false, it will take (answer) and compare  
 // it to "d". If it is equal to "d", it will execute the code  
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Are you serious?</h1>";   
 // takes element with id "result" and writes <h1>Are you serious?</h1>  
 // inside that element  
     document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes background color  
 // to red      
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes font color to white  
     else if (answer =="a") // if answer is neither "b" nor "d"  
 // this code will evaluate (answer) and compare it to "a".   
 // if it is equal to "a", it will execute this code.      
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>You wish...</h1>";   
 // takes element with id "result" and puts "<h1>You wish...</h1>"  
 // inside it.    
     document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes background color  
 // to red  
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes font color to white    
 // if none of the above comparisons are true  
 // it will execute the following code.  
 // this time we don't need else if because we only had 4 options  
 // this is the 4th and last, so there's no more ifs  
 // if there were more options, and we wanted different  
 // answers for each one, it would be safer to use else if instead  
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Ok, maybe... but still wrong...</h1>";   
 // takes element with id "result" and puts <h1>Ok, maybe...   
 // but still wrong...</h1>" inside it  
     document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#000000";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes background color to black  
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
 // takes element with id "result" and changes font to white      
   document.write("<h3>Please click the correct answer.</h3>");   
 // this code writes to the document. whatever is inside ("") will  
 // be added to the html section of the page (the document)  
 // <h> tags mean "headline"  
 // <h1> is the biggest, and <h6> is the smallest  
 // so we take a medium size headline (<h3>)  
 // with a message to click correct answer  
   document.write("<strong>Who would win a battle between:</strong>");   
 // this also writes to the html part of the page.  
 // the <strong> tag refers to the font, or type of text  
 // It is equally effective to use the <b> tag (bold)    
   document.write("<br/><span id='answerA' onclick=answer('a')>Superman</span>");   
 // This will write "superman" on the page  
 // the <br /> tag is a "return" or a vertical space, or new line  
 // we use a <span> tag because we want javascript  
 // to identify it as a whole  
 // this way, when we click on it, it will identify   
 // we are clicking on a <span>  
 // in order to refer to it, we must assign an id to it  
 // in this case, the id is "answerA"  
 // the "onclick" function tells javascript to do something  
 // when we click on this element  
 // in this case, when you click on it (onclick) it will declare  
 // variable "answer" and set it equal to "a"  
   document.write("<br/><span id='answerB' onclick=answer('b')>Batman</span>");   
 // This will write "Batman" on a new line (<br />),  
 // right below "Superman"  
 // If selected, variable "answer" is set to "b"  
   document.write("<br/><span id='answerC' onclick=answer('c')>Goku</span>");   
 // Third line to be written is "Goku", right below "Batman"  
 // If clicked, variable "answer" is set to "c"    
   document.write("<br/><span id='answerD' onclick=answer('d')>Pikachu</span>");   
 // Last entry to be written by javascript  
 // this will pring "Pikachu" (pikaaaaaaa) right below "Goku"  
 // If selected, variable "answer" is set to "d"  
 <!this is how the script tag is closed>  
 <!every < must be closed by </>  
 <!here, we close the head tag and open the body tag>  
 <!body usually contains the actual content of the page>  
 <div id="result"></div>  
 <!div is used to define a division of elements>  
 <!the div above is labeled with id "result">  
 <!function answer() will write directly to this div>  
 <div id="continue"></div>  
 <!this div, with id continue is where the link to the>  
 <!next question is displayed>  

The second example uses buttons instead of plain text. It accomplishes its purpose just the same, either way, it's just a different way to do it. Question 2 also includes an example of the alert function.

Question 2 (only necessary comments)
 <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width">  
 <title>World's Most Difficult Question Part 2</title>  
 // the same can be achieved with buttons  
 // this time, we're doing food, instead of superheroes  
 // results may be a little biased  
 // or not   
 function answer(answer)   
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Sure is!</h1>";   
      document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#00CC00";   
      document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";  
      document.getElementById("continue").innerHTML = "<a href=''>Next Question</a>";   
   else if (answer =="d")   
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>No, not really...</h1>";   
           document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";   
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
     else if (answer =="a")  
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Nope, it ain't</h1>";   
     document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";   
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<h1>Only during baseball games...</h1>";   
     document.getElementById("result").style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";   
     document.getElementById("result").style.color = "#FFFFFF";   
 function popup()   
  alert("Click on somethin' ya dummy!");    
 // this "popup" funcion will summon an alert  
 // an alert is a little popup window that can display some stuff  
 // in this case, it only shows a silly message  
 // not really useful, just proof of concept.  
   document.write("<h3>Please click the correct answer.</h3>");   
   document.write("<strong>What's the best food in the world?:</strong>");   
   document.write("<br/><button type=button id='answerA' onclick=answer('a')>Burgers</button>");   
   document.write("<br/><button type=button id='answerB' onclick=answer('b')>Pizza</button>");   
   document.write("<br/><button type=button id='answerC' onclick=answer('c')>Hotdogs</button>");   
   document.write("<br/><button type=button id='answerD' onclick=answer('d')>Tacos</button>");   
 // in order to get a button on the screen, we're telling  
 // javascript to create an element with id's "answerA/B/C/D"  
 // it's simple, really. it will always be like this:  
 // <button type=button id="something" onclick=function()>text</button>  
 // the >text< part can be replaced with >whatever<  
 // this is the text that actually displayed ON the button  
 <div id="result"></div>  
 <div id="continue"></div>  
 <br />  
 <br />  
 <button type=button onclick=popup()>what?</button>  
 <!this button tag will summon the "popup" funcion when clicked>  