Funky Bandname Generator

echo "my name is "{"what","who","huh"}"?"

If only eminem could code :)

I have a friend who has a friend who has a band.  The band has no name.  So they were arguing the other day about what to call the thing.  After suggesting a couple of stupid names, I thought it'd be easier to make it something completely random.  Well, not completely.  There's a few items to choose from, and then we'll let fate decide.

We're using "processing" which is, in so many words, java made easy.  Thanks to Abe Pazos for fun and quite enlightening tutorials.

//funky band name generator
//jon tohrs
//send me money -_-


String[] one = {"happy", "rotating", "dark", "fast", "furious", "smiley", "jerky", "infinite", "banana", "infernal", "furious", "foxy", "muffin", "derogatory", "nerdy", "occult", "wiseass", "scumbag", "horrible", "apocalyptic", "horrid", "scary", "pretty", "zooming", "abysmal", "ancient", "drunken", "bearded", "magical", "mystical", "potato", "howling", "fantastic", "dramatic", "arrogant", "fearless", "blazing", "sissy", "gay", "aquatic", "cavernous", "pink", "joyful", "galactic"};
String[] two = {"phantom", "dragon", "daemon", "schoolteacher", "piggy", "pooch", "cake", "pie", "sunflower", "kitty", "fury", "fox", "serpent", "factory", "mask", "mirror", "smoke", "fire", "meltdown", "ooze", "snail", "warlord", "programmer", "crackhead", "wino", "beautyqueen", "butterfly", "merkin", "potato", "portal", "waffle", "pancake", "strawberry", "rottweiler", "troll", "hobbit", "orc", "warrior", "dragqueen", "banana", "ice", "butthole", "cheesecake", "kraken", "lightning", "bastard", "wolf", "spaceman", "seamonster", "monster", "zombie"}; 
String[] three = {"of doom", "of death", "from hell", "of apocalypse", "from space", "of darkness", "of light", "of beauty", "of solitude", "of silence", "of the forest", "of the sea", "of the abyss", "of happiness", "of joy", "of desolation", "of sorrow", "of madness"};

int a = int(random(45));
int n = int(random(50));
int s = int(random(18));

text(one[a], 10, 30);
text(two[n], 10, 50);
text(three[s], 10, 70);

It's already created the coolest band name ever... ok maybe not quite, but it's still a blast :P


Try It

This should work fine on any system, provided that you have java installed.  You can't run programs directly from dropbox, so it'll have to download first.  When the download is finished, you could select "run". 

If that doesn't do it, a simple:
java -jar funky_band_name_generator.jar
from the command line, should work.